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There's no argument

Amoral (adjective)

- lacking a moral sense; unconcerned with the rightness or wrongness of something.

Not condemning racism is amoral. There's no proviso to that. It is an immutable truth.

Saying there should be equal time or equal compassion given to the arguments in favor of racism is amoral. Racism – by definition and by practice – is discriminatory and demeaning. Racism begets oppression and intimidation. Oppression leads to violence. Racism leads to violence.

Racism is immoral (not conforming to accepted standards of morality). Therefor, defending it is to align oneself complicity with those who do violence under the banner of racism.

Racism is also absolutely ignorant, and I mean factually and scientifically ignorant. We are, in our shared history, all members of one species. All of our collective ancestors stood up in the African Rift Valley 3.5 million years ago, and (over a vast amount of time) we eventually spread out among the continents of the world. No human being is more than 100 or so generations from sharing a common hereditary relative with EVERY other person on the planet. We are taxonomic and cultural extended family.

A lack of understanding scientific data has fueled modern racism. When you look at genetics, especially the breakdown and sequencing of the human genome, you do, in fact, see differences between Caucasoid, Negroid and Mongoloid (anthropological classifications) races. However, you see more divergent genetic differences within the same racial groups than you do differences that would classify one race as a subspecies. In fact, the only visible genetic difference has been the geographically induced evolution of pigment changes (skin color). Scientific consensus is that racial differences today are almost all cultural.

It's easy to test that theory. Put a white baby and a black baby together in a room with toys in it. Step back and wait to see if a race war breaks out. Probably not.

I have really bad news for so-called white supremacists. The ruling “race” on this planet isn't white folks...not even close. And, (if you're a Nazi you might want to sit down for this one) white people are getting darker and have been since the last ice age. So, at some point, racists are only truly angry at themselves.

So, why the resurgence of open racism lately? Well, for one thing, no wounded beast dies quietly. Change is frightening and people who are afraid of the unknown feel better when they can pin their fears on another group of people. Sure does beat working on yourself and evolving your consciousness.

The bottom line is, if you are a truly moral person and have some intelligence, you are capable of overcoming your prejudices through understanding. Life is built very simple: Eat, Build Shelter, Love, Sleep, Poop. Everything else is stuff we have to add into the mix.

Now, to those who call for some sort of equality to “both sides” of the argument... there is no argument. Wrong is wrong. Bad is bad. Evil is evil. Pretending there must be some validity allotted to racists spouting discriminatory ideas and hate is like saying we should give child molesters a chance to air their “side” of pedophilia. No, we don't – as society – have ANY mandate to coddle amoral and immoral behavior.

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